

What Supplements Do You Need For Your Bladder Health?

The bladder is the most important part of the urinary system. When you start taking supplements to

maintain the health of various organ systems at a certain age, you need to think of bladder health too.

Most people ignore their bladder health. This is because they are not aware of the problems which may

arise in the future due to a lack of bladder health supplements. Just having a balanced diet won’t

provide the necessary supplements. You need additional aids for your bladder.

Best Vitamin And Mineral Supplement For Bladder Health

There are three important vitamins and mineral supplements to keep your bladder healthy.

Vitamin C For Bladder Health

Research and studies show that vitamin C can be the best bladder health supplement to keep your bladder healthy. Intake of vitamin C will positively impact urinary storage or incontinence. The fruits, vegetables, and beverages with vitamin c are associated with reduced urinary urgency.

The food rich in vitamin C content is green and red peppers, citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, sweet and white potatoes, leafy greens, and tomatoes. Moreover, you will also get supplements as capsules. But it is recommended to stop taking high doses for an already leaky bladder.

There are also other health benefits of vitamin c supplements. It can treat infections in the urinary tract and also reduces nitrate-reducing bacteria. Ascorbic acid is used as a supplement to treat UTIs by urine acidification.

Vitamin D For Bladder Health

Vitamin D is another vitamin for urinary health to keep your bladder healthy. You might know that vitamin D is good for bone health, blood sugar levels, immune system, cardiovascular health, and mood booster. But studies tell that Vitamin D deficiency can lead to the risk of pelvic floor disorders.

Also, you can develop urinary incontinence. The vitamin D supplement will help to combat these urinary tract issues. Naturally, you can intake vitamin D through dairy products such as yogurt and eggs, milk, fish, and supplements. Also, sunbath or exposure is a rich source of vitamin D. There are vitamin D supplements available for bladder health.

Magnesium For Bladder Health

Magnesium will assist in various body functions such as lowering blood pressure and keeping it stable, mood regulation and safeguarding against Type 2 diabetes. Magnesium as urinary supplements in USA is taken to keep the bladder healthy with proper nerve function. Specialists say that it helps to improve incontinence symptoms. It reduces spasms in bladder muscle and allows the bladder to get empty. Bananas, black beans, avocados, and dark leafy greens are rich magnesium supplements.

These are the major supplements that you need to keep your bladder healthy.

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